Monday, October 6, 2014

*Rhythm and Flow*

This post has been just over a week in the making and is living proof that you just can't live by a strict schedule...well, I can't anyways!!

In the process of bringing this post to life, we had a couple people come down with a tiny tummy bug (thank goodness it was minor! Tummy bugs and a houseful of nine people is not a favourable combination!) a grocery shopping trip, numerous other activities pop up and computer time always falls low on the list.

Anyways, let's get into things here, shall we?

So I am still fairly new to the Waldorf concept, a lot of the ideas are new to me and some I realized I have been doing all along. I've discovered that its not just an idealistic method of 'teaching' children, its really a way of life and needs to be incorporated into every day life. Daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly rhythms are what I believe us humans thrive on, whether we realize it or not.
First off though, lets not confuse rhythms with schedules and routines. These are all very different.

Rhythms are like a flow or a transition and is smooth and  cohesive. Things move together and flow in and out of each other, almost like a perfectly choreographed dance! There is room for some creativity here though, and this is what I love and I find meshes quite nicely for us with unschooling. Like I said in a previous post, we are a pretty eclectic bunch...a little of this and a little of that. What works for us probably wont work for you, but you can find your rhythm if you look carefully you probably already have one!

I am in the process of transitioning the kids and blending waldorf syllabus along with the guidelines I need to meet to achieve government  approval. It's a bit tricky as we all know most of the government guidelines are quite ridiculous in their requirements as well as vague...having said that, this also makes it easy in some ways to blend the two together. So this rhythm may not look too 'waldorfy' to the seasoned Waldorf homeschooler so bear with's what is working for us at this point in time and it will change as we get more accustomed!

First of all I found THIS amazing planner  to help me organize all the thoughts floating around in my head.
Then I sat down and took a long look at what our normal natural daily rhythm looked like and saw where I could tweak a few things and incorporate more flow. I also looked at what needed to be accomplished and on what days that would best work out for us and our weekly commitments and the older children's work schedules and such.

This is what we came up with for a daily rhythm:

Sunday- Family Day/Household projects (this is for anything that needs to be taken care of around the house that didn't get done during the week or stuff that I need hubbys help with. Its also our day for family outings or just hanging out with each other)

Monday- Baking and Kitchen Day (this day is for getting the weekly baking done and food prep done, bread baked, granola made, snacks put together veggies/fruit cut up, raw brownies made etc and also incorporates the younger children's main lesson of the day which would be science based as well as language arts/reading/printing etc depending) Older kids will be doing either their online school or reading or helping out) In the afternoon is a nature walk/outdoor time as well as tactile activities including things like playdoh, clay, sand, messy play etc.)

Tuesday- Garden/Herbology/Botany Day (this day is for all things garden like, plants, herbs, tending to the yard. In the winter it would be inside plants and our herbs, spring and summer it would include yardwork. Also this day is science/math/reading/language. Older kids also prepare for bi-weekly flyer delivery. Afternoon is nature walk/outdoor time as well as art, painting, drawing, pastels, cutting gluing etc.)

Wednesday- Cleaning Day (self explanatory, but each week is a specific deep clean of a different area in the house. This day also includes reading/language/math. Afternoon is nature walk/outdoor time and then cooperative games or puzzles or things like cards, playing with blocks, marbles runs, sticks, rocks etc. The older children also prepare again for the last batch of flyers for the week to be delivered)

Thursday- Community and Friendship Day (this is a day for creativity and fun with friends. playdates with neighbours, walks to the park, playing outside, games, exploring etc. The afternoon is a continuation for nature walks/outdoor activities and then handwork such as sewing, knitting, looming, woodworking, cross stitching, crocheting etc.)

Friday- Office Day and every second Friday is grocery shopping. (this is a day that changes a bit every two weeks so I alternate a bit of what happens. If I'm not grocery shopping that morning then we will clean up our drawers and shelves, de clutter excess paper and I will clean up my 'office' area. If it's a grocery shopping day then I will do the budget and complete the grocery list based on what food cycle we are on {one trip is a stock up trip and the other  is just a smaller trip} and then myself and a couple kids will set off to the store {we walk}. Main lesson will depend on which Friday it is, but usually includes math/reading/language. The afternoon is nature time and then time for fun with music and dance as well as yoga or other exercise!)

Saturday- Sewing/Laundry (this day is for getting caught up with laundry, doing bedding and sewing or mending. I do one or two loads of laundry every day, but sometimes things get backed up!! haha this sis also when the children do a deep clean in their rooms and de clutter. Its also sometimes a family day as well!

So there you have it, a basic breakdown of our weekly Rhythm. Contained within that is the daily rhythm. We don't have set-in-stone times for things, but they're pretty similar each day and pretty consistent.

Sunday- This is a free day and we just let things happen as they happen, unless something specific is planned.

5am-Mama gets up with Daddy and makes him breakfast and puts a lunch together for him
5:30am- Mama snuggles back into bed..usually with a kiddo..or two!! ha-ha
7am- kids start getting up and do quiet activities
8am- Mama gets up...starts getting things ready for breakfast
9am-Breakfast, chores, get dressed (kids), beginning day circle time
10am-start morning activities depending on the day
12am- wrap up morning activities and have lunch, do lunch chores
1pm-get ready for afternoon activities, head outside
2:30pm- get ready for the rest of the afternoon activities depending on the day
4:30pm- clean up, Mama gets things ready for dinner
5:30pm- dinner, chores, clean up
6:30pm- family time, outside (if possible)
7:30pm- baths, wash up get ready for bedtime snack
8:00pm- bedtime snacks, tea etc.
8:30pm- younger kiddos get teeth brushed, PJ's on bedtime stories etc.
9:00pm- younger kiddos to bed. Mama and Daddy do yoga
10:30pm-older kiddos to bed, mama and daddy time, watch a movie, computer etc.
11:30/12-good night Mama and Daddy

Saturday- This day we usually just let things happen as they may too, unless there are set plans. We try to get most of the cleaning done by lunch time.

That's a pretty basic breakdown of our days!
Im just in the process of finishing up my learning plans to submit to my homeschool board, I may post a brief description on here about what we're up to...we'll see!

Happy Rhythm Setting!!
Love and Light,

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