Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Waving Hello and Happy Autumn Equinox

So, its been almost a year now and my last post wasn't even a real post either.

I can't believe how much I miss writing a blog!!

My goal is to dust off the cobwebs and dust bunnies around here and get back to my writing. I find writing so soothing to my soul and such an incredible outlet.

So, I'm just going to jump right in here and get to it!

The past few weeks I have been doing up curriculum plans and organizing things around the house. As a homeschooling mama you can never really be THAT organized because life always seems to happen and throw you for a loop.

I planned this year to start slowly and ease back into it over the course of 4-6 weeks for the younger four and have the two eldest start on a staggered timetable as well.

My oldest daughter is doing regular highschool via online and correspondence to achieve all her necessary credits for a diploma, so she started back at the beginning of the month. Next up is kiddo number 3 who is doing grade 9 which is basically just geared towards prepping him for his highschool classes (which will be done the same as his sister). He started slowly earlier this week.

Then we have kiddo number 4 who is in grade 7, however this is where the unschooling line begins. Her year is filled with a mix of interests and standards that we need to meet to appease the government standards. She has been slowly starting this week and will continue until the first week of October. At that time, her days will be filled with an eclectic mixture of fun!!

Kiddos number five, six, and seven have been slowly starting with some things as well, but their schedules will pick up more after our Thanksgiving (which is October 13th) here in Canada. Their courses are also an eclectic blend of interests,  government standards and lots of free time for playing!

With so many kiddos you can imagine that we cant have one set method! We are a blend of all sorts, heavy on the theory of Waldorf and Unschooling and then a little bit of everything in between.

I've been in the process of setting up our rhythm charts and plans because we do like to have some sort of plans in place and the children really do like knowing what is going on from one day to the other. (as well as what is for dinner!! lol)

Also setting up orders for supplies to be delivered! (lots of books, art supplies and such) as well as printing off all kinds of fun crafts and activities found on Pinterest!!

We have been a homeschooling family for over ten years now, five out of seven children have never set foot in a school and I wouldn't have  it any other way. I am so very grateful for the ability to stay home and watch the miracle of my children learning every day! I love that my children are able to master skills on their timetable and abilities. They have the freedom to take a break from a project that might be frustrating them at the moment and go outside. They have the comfort of rising when their bodies are ready in the morning and taking their time with morning schedules. Sometimes we move quickly through our daily rhythm and other days its super slow. If its a beautiful day outside we can take advantage and spend our time outside enjoying fresh air and outdoor activities. We can visit friends and do our grocery shopping during the day (what a fun math class!!) We can take time off if necessary during illness. (or not!) On bitterly cold days, we can do our daily activities snuggled in warm PJs sipping hot cocoa or tea and baking up a storm!

There are so many benefits......too many to list here!

Well, I should wrap it up here. Blessing to you all for a Happy Autumn Equinox and New Moon!

Love and Light,

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